1909 Map of St. Paul - Ward 7
R. L. Polk & Co 1909 St. Paul City Directory
Ward 7 commences at the point of intersection of W Third with College Av; then
southwesterly through the center of blocks numbered respectively 64 and 70 of Dayton and
Irvine's addition to the center line of Irvine Av at its point of intersection with the
center line of Walnut; thence southwesterly along Irvine Av to Western Av; thence south
along Western Av; thence southwesterly along Pleasant Av to St Clair; thence west along
St Clair and St Clair extended in a straight line to the southwest corner of the southeast
quarter of section 3, in township numbered 23, range 22; thence north [on Hamline Av] in a straight line to
Marshall Av; thence easterly along Marshall Av to Lexington Av; thence north along Lexington
Av to Carroll Av; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Eighth ward to Summit Av;
thence southwesterly along Summit Av to W Third; thence southeasterly along W Third to the
place of the beginning.
R. L. Polk & Co 1910 St. Paul City Directory
The eastern, northern, western and southern borders of Ward 7 are indicated by the blue line.
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