
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Daily Globe, February 20, 1885, p. 2


A Trio of Snide Thieves Secrete Their Booty Under a Sidewalk.

Yesteday morning Roundsman Murphy and Detective Kenally arrested Harry Young and Wm. Perkins, on suspician of stealing a quantity of silverware from the Smith-Heatherington cafe, at the corner of Fourth and Sibley streets. They refused to make any statement, and on being brought before Judge Burr the case was continued until to-day, both men being committed to await developments. The accused had been employed at the restaurant as waiters, and they were discharged only a few days ago, since when they have been hanging around the place.

Late in the day Detective John O'Connor arrested a third party named R. L. Morris, who made a confession implicating himself and the others in the robbery, and also disclosing the place where the goods were secreted. Acting on this information, Officer Phil Gibbons took the patrol wagon, and accompanied by Morris, they drove to Minnesota street between Seventh and Eighth streets, where the stolen goods were found under the sidewalk.

The articles recovered consist of fifteen casters, eight dozen knives, eight dozen forks, eight dozen tea spoons, five dozen table spoons and several smaller articles.The police say they have a clear case against all three of the men, and they will be arraigned to-day.

In addition to the goods recovered, several casters, etc., had been expressed to Chicago, and arrangements have been made for their return.

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