1885 Minnesota Census Statistics
Birthplaces Population Counts Racial Counts

1885 Minnesota Census
Population Count
Polk County

The following shows the 1885 Minnesota census population count for Polk county by area.
The Post Office, listed in the census for each area, is shown in parenthesis.

Area Count   Area Count
Andover Township  (Crookston) 475 Lessor Township  (blank) 250
Angus Township  (Angus) 162 Liberty Township  (Edna) 239
Badger Township  (Sletten) 272 Louisville Township  (Huot) 480
Belgium Township  (blank) 62 Nesbit Township  (Fisher) 206
Black River Township  (Red Lake Falls) 262 Norden Township  (St Hilaire) 175
Brandswold Township  (Fosston) 281 North Township  (Rockstad) 93
Bray Township  (Wylie) 103 Northland Township  (East Grand Forks) 140
Brislot Township  (Warren) 106 Numedal Township  (Solie) 76
Bygland Township  (Fisher) 281 Onstad Township  (Fertile) 154
Crookston Township  (Crookston) 274 Parnell Township  (Crookston) 186
City Of Crookston  (Crookston) 4,063 Polk Centre Township  (Wylie) 247
Emardville Township  (Emard) 101 Poplar River Township  (Brooks) 295
Euclid Township  (blank) 303 Red Lake Falls Township  (Red Lake Falls) 373
Fairfax Township  (Crookston) 229 Village Of Red Lake Falls  (Red Lake Falls) 588
Farley Township  (Warren) 136 Rocksbury Township  (St Hilaire) 297
Fanney Township  (Crookston) 149 Reis Township  (Edna) 226
Fisher Township  (blank) 354 Roome Township  (Neby) 249
Village Of Fisher  (Fisher) 483 Rosebud Township  (Fosston) 376
Garden Township  (Rindal) 461 Russia Township  (blank) 145
Garfield Township  (Aldal) 519 River Falls Township  (St Hilaire) 227
Gentilly Township  (blank) 455 Sanders Township  (St Hilaire) 281
Gervais Township  (Red Lake Falls) 239 Village Of St Hilaire  (St Hilaire) 142
Godfrey Township  (Maple Bay) 414 Sandsville Township  (Warren) 80
Grand Forks Township  (Grand Forks, D T) 637 Sletten Township  (Hansville) 336
Grove Park Township  (Mentor) 293 Sullivan Township  (East Grand Forks) 170
Hammond Township  (Crookston) 115 Tabor Township  (Angus) 181
Higdem Township  (Grand Forks) 329 Terrebonne Township  (Terrebonne) 431
Hill River Township  (King) 114 Tilden Township  (blank) 174
Hubbard Township  (Nelsville) 442 Tynsid Township  (Fisher) 251
Huntsville Township  (Mallory) 466 Vineland Township  (Neby) 393
Kertsonville Township  (Crookston) 251 Winger Township  (Rindal) 297
Keystone Township  (East Grand Forks) 200 Woodside Township  (blank) 297
King Township  (King) 409 Wyandotte Township  (St Hilaire) 137
Knute Township  (Wille Water) 358 Townships 148 & 147, R39  (Fosston) 243
Lake Pleasant Township  (Red Lake Falls) 393 Townships 150, R40  (Lambert) 42
Lambert Township  (Lambert) 248 Townships 151, R41  (Lambert) 8
Lowell Township  (Crookston) 507 Townships 153 & 154, R46  (Warren) 43

County Total 23,474


Polk county included Pennington and Red Lake counties.

Unnamed townships are as follows:
Township 148, Range 39 - Queen Township
Township 147, Range 39 - Columbia Township
Township 150, Range 40 - Chester Township
Township 151, Range 41 - Garnes Township
Township 153, Range 46 - Brandt Township
Township 154, Range 46 - Helgeland Township

The following names were misspelled in the census:
  Brislot Township should be Brislet Township.
  Fanney Township should be Fanny Township.
  Polk Centre should be Polk Center.
  Nelsville P.O. should be Nielsville P.O.

The following designates which present-day counties contain the above areas:

Polk County
Andover TS, Angus TS, Badger TS, Brandt TS, Belgium TS, Brandswold TS, Brislot TS, Bygland TS, Chester TS, Columbia TS, Crookston TS, City of Crookston, Euclid TS, Fairfax TS, Fanney TS, Farley TS, Fisher TS, Village of Fisher, Garden TS, Garfield TS, Gentilly TS, Godfrey TS, Grand Forks TS, Grove Park TS, Hammond TS, Helgeland TS, Higdem TS, Hill River TS, Hubbard TS, Huntsville TS, Kertsonville TS, Keystone TS, King TS, Knute TS, Lessor TS, Liberty TS, Lowell TS, Nesbit TS, Northland TS, Onstad TS, Parnell TS, Queen TS, Reis TS, Roome TS, Rosebud TS, Russia TS, Sandsville TS, Sletten TS, Sullivan TS, Tabor TS, Tilden TS, Tynsid TS, Vineland TS, Winger TS, Woodside TS

Pennington County
Black River TS, Bray TS, Norden TS, North TS, Numedal TS, Polk Centre TS, River Falls TS, Rocksbury TS, Village of St Hilaire, Sanders TS, Wyandotte TS

Red Lake County
Emardville TS, Garnes TS, Gervais TS, Lake Pleasant TS, Lambert TS, Louisville TS, Poplar River TS, Red Lake Falls TS, Village of Red Lake Falls, Terrebonne TS

The townships of Polk Center, Black River, River Falls and Wyandotte were split into two townships upon the creation of Red Lake County, the northern part ending up in Pennington County and retaining the township names, and the southern part ending up in Red Lake County, receiving new names. The new townships formed from the first three townships were Wylie, Brown's Creek, and River, respectively. The southern part of Wyandotte Township became part of Emardville Township in Red Lake Township.

Warren was in Marshall County.
Aldal was in Norman County

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