
Minnesota Tales

The St. Paul Daily Globe, October 4, 1895, p. 2


An Alleged Confidence Man Caught in Duluth.

Detectives Sweeney and Enright returned from Duluth last evening with Tom Jackson, the notorious confidence man, who is alleged to have defrauded James MacDonald, a Wisconsin blacksmith, out of $200 several months ago in this city. Jackson, in company with a confederate, met McDonald at the "Soo" line depot, accompanied him up Sixth street to a point opposite the Ryan hotel. There a fraudulant storage bill was suddenly presented to Jackson and paid by him with money borrowed of the amiable blacksmith. Jackson and his assistant ascended a stairway in a neighboring alley, in order to get the blacksmith a receipt. It was learned six weeks later that Mr. Jackson was still rushing madly after the receipt and that he seemed about to discover it in Fargo. Detectives Enright and Sweeney were immediately sent to Fargo to assist in the search. The blacksmith, who was on his way to Massachusetts when interrupted, has been staying over in St. Paul until the receipt could be found. He was naturally annoyed when the officers returned without the delayed document.

Immediately afterwards it was learned that Mr. Jackson was looking for the receipt in Duluth, and the detectives hurried thither to look for Mr. Jackson. He was happily discovered yesterday morning crossing a street in front of the Spalding house. He was so mortified at his delay in meeting his appointment with the blacksmith that he was scarcely willing to admit to his captors that he had ever met Mr. McDonald. The latter, however, was awaiting Jackson's arrival at the central police station last evening, and became angry because Jackson showed a natural diffidence in recalling the circumstances of their previous acquaintance.

Jackson, the police say, is known throughout the West as a successful confidence man, who has obtained large sums from many victims. His capture is an accomplishment of which Chief O'Connor and his aids are proud.

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