1885 Minnesota Census Statistics
Birthplaces Population Counts Racial Counts

1885 Minnesota Census Birthplaces
Faribault County

This page provides a breakdown of the birthplaces of the people enumerated in Faribault county in the 1885 Minnesota Census. Apparent variations in spelling and misspellings of birthplace names are grouped together based on Kinsource's best judgement. All spellings for a group are listed under 'Entries'.

The top 10 birthplaces in Faribault County were:

New York

The count for all birthplaces in Faribault County was as follows:

Birthplace Entries Count
unknown blank, unknown 16
not sure C, D A, Dt, Knass, Mannie, Newferry, South Caele 7
Alabama Alabama 2
Arkansas Ark 1
Austria Austria, Austry 33
Bavaria Bavaria, Bevaria 16
Bohemia Bohemia 22
Bulgaria Bulgaria 2
California California 3
Canada Canada, Canda, Cannada 305
Colorado Colorado 1
Connecticut Connecticut, Conn 72
Dakota Territory Dakota Ter, Dakota, Dak, Daka, Decota 7
Denmark Denmark, Demark, Demek, Demk, Demrk, Denmk, Dennk 101
England England, English, Ingland 175
Europe Europe, Europ 5
France France, Alsas 26
Georgia Georgia 1
Germany Germany, German 989
Hanover Hanover 1
Holland Holland 7
Hungary Hungary 2
Illinois Illinois, Ill, Illin, Illino, Illoins 365
Indiana Indiana, Ind, Inda, Indana, Indianna, Indina, Indna 98
Iowa Iowa 256
Ireland Ireland, Irland 190
Isle Of Man Isle Of Man, Isl Of Man 2
Italy Itley 1
Kansas Kansas, Kans 11
Kentucky Kentucky, Ky 11
Louisiana Louisana, New Orleans, N O 3
Maine Maine, Main, Me 130
Maryland Maryland, Mariland, Md, Mayerlan, Mayerland, Mayland 17
Massachusetts Massachusetts, Mass, Massachusets, Massctetts, Masssess 69
Mecklenburg Macklen 2
Mexico Mexco 1
Michigan Michigan, Mich, Michagan, Michg, Michgan 103
Minnesota Minnesota, Minn, Minesot, Minesota, Miness, Minest, Minne, Minnes, Minnie, Minnsto, Mnes 6,356
Mississippi Miss, Missippi 4
Missouri Missouri, Mo, Misouri, Mis 23
Montana Territory Mt 1
Nebraska Nebraska, Neb 10
New Brunswick New Brunswick, N B, New Brun 4
New Hampshire New Hampshire, N H, N Hamps, N Hampshire, New H, New Hamp 53
New Jersey New Jersey, N J 22
New York New York, N Y, N York, Ne York 1,146
North Carolina N C, N Carolina 2
Norway Norway, No, Norge 1,272
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Halifax 4
Ocean Atlantic Ocean, On Ocean, Sea 4
Ohio Ohio 226
Ontario Ontario 9
Oregon Oregon 1
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, Penn, Pa, Peen, Pen 253
Poland Poland, Polan 27
Prussia Prussia, Prussa, Prusia 549
Rhode Island Rhode Island, R I, Rhode I 14
Russia Rusia 3
Saxony Saxony 1
Scotland Scotland 83
South America South America 1
Sweden Sweden, Swed, Sweeden, Sweed 114
Switzerland Switzerland, Swertland, Swiss, Switland, Switlar, Switz 14
Tennessee Tennessee, Tenn, Teen, Teenn 10
Vermont Vermont, V T, Vermett, Vt 170
Virginia Virginia, Va, Virgina 10
Wales Wales 13
West Indies W Indies, West Inda 6
West Virginia West Virginia, W Virginia, W Virg 3
Wisconsin Wisconsin, Wis, Wisc, Wiscon, Wiscons, Wiss, Wisscon, Wisscons, Wissconsin 1,685
Wurttemberg Wortenburg, Wurtenburg 16
Total Population 15,162

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